Ramona Grigg
1 min readJul 26, 2021


You’re seriously questioning my credibility as a writer? Have you read anything I’ve written on Medium about writing? No? Thought not.

Tessa, I’m 83 years old. I don’t write books, I don’t write films, but I do write and I’ve been writing for more than 40 years.

I can’t believe I’m doing this because I sincerely don’t give a shit what you think, but this is a small part of who I am as a writer. (From my Linkedin bio.)

Now, please, just go away.

Past Experience:

Freelance feature writer for Detroit Free Press, Jewish News, Observer and Eccentric Newspapers, Eagle Newspapers (Now JournalGroup).

Articles in Ann Arbor Magazine, United Airlines Magazine, numerous regional and alternative magazines.

Columnist at Observer and Eccentric Newspapers, Eagle Newspapers.

Fiction in small press, Passages North Best Anthology.

Chapter in “Voices on Writing Fiction” (DWW Press, Writer’s Digest), articles in American Airlines Magazine, Ann Arbor Magazine, Michigan Alternative magazines.

Speaker and workshop leader, Writers’ Conference, Oakland University (five years); speaker, Cranbrook Writers Series

Co-host, Livonia Library Book Talk series, Livonia Cable.

Past president and board member, Detroit Women Writers (Now Detroit Working Writers)

Creative writing instructor, Wayne-Westland Community Schools Adult Ed program

Grantee, State of Michigan, for novel about 1913 copper strike, as yet unpublished.

Online at Crooks and Liars, Liberaland, The Broad Side, Dagblog, BlogHer, and Medium.



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