This is a long piece and I might have skimmed both letters a bit, but I want to answer as a true blue liberal who was alive and sobbing when FDR died.
I agree with most of what Eric says here on Leftists, on political correctness, on being sick to death with having to be so careful about using applicable words instead of euphemisms.
I shuddered during those early days when more and more liberals began to call themselves progressives, lest someone might think they were — I don’t know —too liberal?
I’ve never suffered from the kind of inferiority complex many liberals allowed themselves to be sucked into. They gave up believing they were the good guys around the time Reagan coated himself in Teflon and ramrodded his odd notion of conservatism through the middle class, convincing them to give up on unions — their only lifeline to any kind of equitable representation — in favor of trickle-down economics, where all their dreams would come true.
I come from blue collar assembly line stock; unions, solidarity, Democrat forever. I got my education in Detroit in the forties and fifties, when their schools were models for the entire country. All of that ended, along with a thriving blue collar middle class, when jobs went overseas and private profits became our national obligation. I’m 81 years old now but I’ll never stop working to get it back.
So here’s where Eric and I disagree: He says, “Say what you want about Trump. Personally, I like mavericks who tell the establishment and the PC-ers to go to hell, but I can understand why he is not everyone’s flavor of the month. However, the Left Wing American media has smeared this guy from the start. Just as they have been doing to Kavanaugh. Double standards and hypocrisy abound, and the media piranhas are shameless.”
I despise Donald Trump with every fiber of my being. He’s not a maverick he’s a monster. Calling a monster out for being a monster isn’t “smearing the guy”, it’s fighting him tooth and nail in order to save our country.
(And Kavanaugh, by the way, proved he didn’t deserve a seat on the Supreme Court long before Dr. Blasey Ford came forward with her accusations. His biases were clear from the start, his loyalty to Trump was something he took pride in, and his temperament during the hearing should have given him the boot right then and there.)
Hating Donald Trump doesn’t make me any less liberal, it makes me more likely to fight for everything we liberals have been fighting for since the days before Herbert Hoover. I cut Trump no slack, nor do I give the GOP a break. I don’t believe in riots or name-calling or dirty tricks, but I’m fine with using everything in our arsenal to (legally) stop them from harming another living human being.
They lost any chance at redemption when they tore terrified children away from their exhausted, anguished parents and tossed them around the country like so many discarded dolls. They’re despicable. There’s no other word for them.
They don’t deserve the inch Eric seems to want to give them, and frankly I’m surprised he does, considering the stance he takes here otherwise.
As for George’s letter, I see where he’s going but I think he stretches to make his case against some of the memes. “Love is Love”, for example, doesn’t require a deeper meaning. It speaks to everyone.
But I like this format and appreciate the chance to give another liberal point of view. Ultimately we believe in the same goals but we come at life from different places and our own experiences tend to mold us. We can disagree and still come together, keeping our eyes always on the prize.