Member-only story
The Case for Writing for Small Publications
Okay, maybe the case for writing for mine.
I saw the news yesterday that P.S I Love You had lost their Medium funding and would have to close their doors. It was a shock, considering how popular they are — and considering, personally, that just a few weeks ago I finally found a piece I thought would fit there, sent it in, and was thrilled that it was accepted. I was already working on more for them. Now I guess I’ll look elsewhere. Or I’ll settle for publishing them on my own small publication.
I say ‘settle’ because as much as I love my publication, Indelible Ink, and as much as I love the writers who choose my space to publish their stories, the truth is, we don’t get a lot of attention.
There are thousands of publications on Medium, and many of them accept other writers. Mine is just one of them. We all think we offer something different and worthwhile, and we’re right. We do. But first readers have to be able to find us. That’s becoming harder and harder as the crowd grows.
PSILY took off because they did something even better, but damned if I know what it was. I remember those early days when I thought the name P.S. I Love You was silly. Too much like a romance novel. I admit I ignored them for a long, long time. Until they made it so big I could no longer…