Ramona Grigg
2 min readOct 29, 2018


Thanks for replying, Eric. No, I’m not Hispanic. I was named after the book and movie, Ramona, which came out in 1937, the year I was born. My father was Italian and my mother was Finnish. My Finnish grandmother was there when I was born and gave me the name because my baby hair was as black as my eyes. The Finns are blond and blue or green-eyed and I guess I looked exotic to her. I was taken for Hispanic many times and I have to say, I would have been proud of that heritage, too.

But to your point: I don’t call Trump a monster lightly. I see him as an incorrigible degenerate whose only goals are gaining power, getting richer, and settling scores. He’s lazy, self-absorbed, narcissistic to a degree one only sees in mental institutions, and he makes a mockery of the presidency.

You wonder how he got where he is if he’s that bad. Donald Trump is the culmination of decades of anti-government propaganda, of Right Wing Tea Party hate rhetoric, of racism and xenophobia just waiting for permission to move above ground.

His phony mission to make Barack Obama an unAmerican “other” not deserving of the presidency set the ball rolling. He saw how easy it was to convince millions of people who wanted to believe the president was hiding his African citizenship, and he saw how easy it was to get away with lying about it.

The GOP was ripe for demagoguery and he’s the perfect demagogue. His campaign was nasty and vicious and yes, he became president — not in spite of his ugly rhetoric but because of it.

I won’t go into everything he’s done since he repeated the oath of office with his fingers crossed behind his back, because it’s all out there. There’s nothing to analyze, nothing to explain. If you can watch Trump in action, if you can look at the harm his cabinet does all over the country, and still work to make excuses for them, that’s your right.

I find nothing redeemable about him. He’s a dangerous fool in a role he neither respects nor understands. They’ve kidnapped children under his watch. Hate groups are growing under his leadership. He neither apologizes nor takes blame for anything and revels in the chaos he creates. He fakes concern, reading from a teleprompter in tones so insincere you can hear the laughter under his words. And then, often on the same day, he takes the stage at his hate rallies and tears down anyone who goes against him, calling names, fomenting violence, egging his audience on.

He’s a monster.

I’ll spend the rest of my life if I have to, fighting against him and his kind. I honestly couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t stay in this fight.



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