Ramona Grigg
1 min readDec 11, 2019


No, I won’t be reconsidering. What I see from Bernie is all talk and no action. One look at his long senatorial record would show you how little he actually does outside of giving speeches. It’s not enough to make pie-in-the-sky promises he knows he won’t be able to keep once he’s president. He’s had every opportunity to make a real difference as a Senator and he has chosen not to.

I can’t forgive him for the way he treats anyone who doesn’t agree with him. I’ve had enough of that with Trump.

The article you cite is an opinion, just as mine is. But the writer lost me at “party elites” and “establishment”. They’re the ones getting the job done. They’re working their tails off to counter the disasters we’re facing, while Bernie is looking for the next venue to put the Dems and the Republicans in the same barrel so that he can take the lead. I find that disingenuous, to put it mildly.



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