I’ve gone through something similar with my own sweet daughter, so I understand how frustrating and terrifying it is. Add helplessness on top of it and it’s amazing that we can get out of bed each morning and put on our warrior clothes. For yet another day.
I hope you have a good support system, both professionally and personally. My daughter has children of her own now, is still fragile, but not broken, and I credit the many wonderful people who wouldn’t give up one her, sometimes for years on end. She finally has the right brew of medications to keep her on an even keel but that took years to get the right blend. Many failures. No guarantees.
But she’s still here, she’s still loving and still a bit naive, still needs watching (she’s impulsive and it sometimes gets the better of her), but is finally proud of her own self for enduring.
I wish you the best and if there’s anything I can do to help, I’ll be right by your side.