Ramona Grigg
May 25, 2021


It's downright eerie that just when we're talking about better search boxes I find out Medium has been working on it. Christina Ward wrote a Medium piece on it and shared it via FB (or I might have missed it).

Now we can type a topic or tag into the search box and see which writers and which publications to go to.

It could be a huge asset but it means we'll have to be more vigilant about our tags now. For example, my pub, Indelible Ink, shows up as the number 3 pub for creative nonfiction but is way down there for writing and for politics-- which makes sense, since my focus is CNF. But I'll be asking my writers to include 'creative nonfiction' as one of their tags from now on.

It's not perfect, but it's a start.

Thanks again.



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