I don’t know why I can’t reply to Joshua Dopkowski’s comments, but let me just say he’s totally WRONG. I’ve written two articles about the Flint water crisis with many reliable links. Cross-posted at Crooks & Liars here and here.
First of all, yes, Darnell Earley is a black man. That’s true. But he was clearly Snyder’s toadie from the get-go. He should have gone to jail for what he did. Instead, he moved on to become “emergency manager” in the Detroit Schools.
Earley liked to point out that Flint’s city council voted to stop getting their water from Detroit seven months before he arrived, but he neglected to mention that the decision to use poisoned water from the Flint River was his and his alone. He did that. And instead of being incarcerated for his role in poisoning the population, he went on to a better-paying job in Detroit.
Joshua poo-poohs the idea that Snyder’s motives might have been racist but ask him which Michigan cities had “emergency managers” foisted on them, even after the electorate voted down EM’s in a November election? Predominantly black cities like Benton Harbor, Flint, and Detroit.
The Flint water crisis was as racist as they come and everyone knows it. It may have been profit-driven, as everything Republicans touch always is, but it wouldn’t have happened in a lily-white community. EVER.
Of course Snyder’s office affected a cover-up — while they could. But once they got caught, the lip-service started. We’re going to do all we can, we’re going to get to the bottom of this — -blah, blah, blah — while nothing got done.
Ask Flint’s mayor, Karen Weaver, for the inside skinny. Ask Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, the pediatrician who wouldn’t give up after she saw how lead poisoning, so needless, so cruel, was affecting certain of Flint’s children. They’ll tell a different story from that commenter below.
Rick Snyder could have made Flint’s water crisis a true emergency, number one on his agenda, but we all know he didn’t. He wouldn’t. And remember, too, that to this day nobody has gone to jail for what they did.