Ramona Grigg
1 min readJun 2, 2021


Great article, Suzanne. Not sour grapes but lots of raspberries! Yay!

But here's the thing--the awful reality is that, as you say, there are 200,000 writers competing for attention on Medium. That's 200,000 today. Who knows how many more tomorrow or the next day, since the doors are always open here at Medium?

Nice that a few get so much attention but for most of us, we're not just hamsters, we're invisible hamsters.

We're doing the grunt work and Medium profits. A single $500,000 investment to keep the hamster wheels turning is a drop in the bucket, but it worked.

Look at the numbers of comments we're getting now from writers who vow to write more often--every day, if need be--only serving to crowd the site with tons and tons and tons of stuff that few people are ever going to read. So what does it do? It crowds us all further and further to the back of the room where we might as well be writing to ourselves for all the attention we'll get.

I admit I got nothin'. That is all.



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