Exactly! Will we ever get past those double standards? Who even questions a man who readily gives his opinions or goes against the supposed grain? They’re called mavericks and are admired for their candor, even begrudgingly, when we don’t agree. (See John McCain)
The bias against women — our demeanor, our tone, our infernal insistence on equality — is so thoroughly ingrained it’s shocking that we’re still fighting this well into the 21st century.
I’ll always believe Hillary got a raw deal, that she was never the caricature so many, including the press, made her out to be. One look at the popularity of curmudgeonly Bernie Sanders, the shoutingest candidate outside of Donald Trump, tells me all I need to know about the folly of ingrained sexism and misogyny. It’s so ingrained there are still millions of people who refuse to believe it even exists. Yet they’re the same ones who tear women to shreds over everything from pantsuits to hairstyles to the timbre of their voices.
I’m heartened by the number of strong women out there now, working to make a difference in government, and I’m still hoping to see a female president in my lifetime. In the meantime, I’ll be working my ass off to help make that happen.