Member-only story
Desperately Seeking an Agent.
Looking for somebody nice.
Okay, It’s come to this:
I need help.
I’m a writer. I’ve been a writer for most of my life. But if being a “writer” means you’re getting paid for your work, then I’m not that. Not any longer. There was a time when I could list my occupation as “writer” on our 1040A, but those days are long gone.
I’m just going to say this, hoping I don’t cry: I don’t remember the last time someone paid me for my work. Those days are such ancient history I can barely remember what it was like to hold that check in my hand, kissing it wildly before cashing it. (Do they still pay by check? I wouldn’t know.)
I had a nice little writing career going there for a while. (Want to see my Linkedin profile? It’s right here.) Yes, I call myself “professional”, but it’s getting harder and harder to say it with a straight face when nobody wants to pay me.
I wrote an entire chapter on marketing once, in a book sold through Writer’s Digest, but whatever I wrote back then isn’t helping me now. Not now, not since the Internet exploded and nearly every writer struggling to be paid gave up long ago and took to begging venues to publish their works for free.