Daniel, I appreciate your comments about my Medium story. I don’t agree with everything you said, which is okay, because you didn’t agree with everything I said, either.
I think separation of church and state is quite clear and absolutely necessary. Anyone can start a religion — as we’ve seen in the thousands of sects and spin-offs to the classic religions like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the rest. They’re not all built for kindness and/or altruism. Including many Christian sects.
If we allow Christianity to become the one acceptable, government-approved religion, we will become a theocracy. It’s a dangerous path, but that’s where we’re heading if we don’t speak out.
Our government is established with centuries-old set rules, and the founders, most of them theists still remembering the abuses of the Church of England, understood the dangers of allowing a specific, privileged religion to be involved in setting governmental norms. It never goes well for the unbelievers or the underprivileged.
The war on Christianity is, in fact, a made-up war, considering the scope and freedom of that particular religion. There are more Christians in America than any other religion, and thus the power of that church is far greater than any other. It’s when that power is abused when we have a problem. The war isn’t on Christianity, it’s on faux Christianity.
Which is why I said, “I have no problem with religion as long as it keeps to itself.” Your Gay kissing argument is specious. Two gays kissing will not affect my life, or anyone else’s, in the least. Using religion as a wedge or a cudgel to disrupt or eliminate our secular laws absolutely will.