Ramona Grigg
1 min readJan 31, 2022


Caroline, I'm so sorry. What a nightmare! If all you can do is vent right now, then vent away. Your mental and physical health are so important as you go through this.

Caring for someone almost totally dependent on you is a burden, no matter how much love and caring there is. It takes its toll, and I'm glad you took the time to write your feelings out.

My husband is beginning to lose his independence, too--memory loss, along with hearing and balance issues--and is growing more dependent on me with each passing day. He has stopped driving, thank goodness, but that means I do all the driving.

He used to love to read and cook, and now does neither. He sleeps a good part of the day away, and I know it's not going to get better.

I wish there were options for you now. Getting closer to your friends would certainly help! I'll be thinking of you, and reading whatever you choose to share as you go through this.

Take care, Ramona



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