As a flaming liberal working hard to keep necessary social programs viable, I don't agree with much of what you've written here, but I appreciate the initial tone. I say 'initial' because you quickly move into a specious attack on liberalism as the crux of all of our problems. If only there weren't liberals with any power...
I'll just take on two issues: late term abortions and God in the schools.
You must know that ALL late term abortions come about out of medical necessity. The decision to abort a seemingly viable fetus is so wrenching it's an insult to see it dismissed as frivolous or selfish. It's a tragedy. No abortion clinic performs late term abortions. These are decisions between parents and doctors and the procedure is performed in a hospital. It should never be political. This attitude must STOP.
The second one is your thought that putting God back in schools will somehow make students more empathetic and less unkind. That doesn't even work in churches. Religion has never been known for its purity.
But more important, who gets to decide on which version of 'God' wins out? There are some 4300 religions across the world. They're separated by their own beliefs, and each believes they have the answers, that they know who 'God' really is.
Public schools have an obligation to teach fairly and judiciously, without prejudice. They're there to open minds, not fit them into slots. Bringing religion into schools would do that, no matter how good the intentions.
You have your own ideas of liberalism and I'm not here to argue every one of them, but I felt these two examples needed more discussion. There really are two sides to everything.